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  7. Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety Policy

In the context of our sport, we will actively practise and pursue safety for employees, clients and subcontractors, volunteers and the general public who may from time to time come into contact with our workplaces.

We are totally committed to a safe and healthy working environment and will ensure to take all reasonably practicable steps, in the context of our sport, so that no harm will happen to any person as a result of our sports activities.

We will encourage, at all levels, to actively support the safe and early return to work of injured workers.

In meeting this promise, we will comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice, and safe operating procedures, and will operate with a commitment of continuous improvement, seeking excellence in Health and Safety practices.

To achieve these ideals we will:

  • Identify, assess, control and manage workplace hazards, continually seeking to reduce the risks to the lowest safest possible level.
  • Consult with employees, employee representatives, committees, managers, subcontractors, suppliers, clients, volunteers and external experts, as appropriate, to encourage participation in contributing to making a safer sport.
  • Provide high quality training, supervision and support for our staff to ensure they are fully trained and competent to perform their work.
  • Require management at all levels to be fully conversant with and be personally responsible for the implementation of the safety management programme and the safety of others.
  • Require workers to follow safe work practices at all times.
  • Encourage a stop-work programme where there are unsafe practices.
  • Provide resources to ensure that safety remains the primary objective.
  • Require the timely and accurate reporting of all incidents, accidents, unsafe conditions and near misses.
  • Regularly review this policy, and annually reset key safety objectives and targets that will allow the sport a process towards achieving a safer sport.

Download a PDF version of this H&S Policy here.