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Mini Motocross Homologations

Mini Motocross motorcycles are required to be homologated as per the MNZ Manual of Motorcycle Sport. Forms are to be completed in full and returned to the MNZ office for approval.   Approval will be sought from the Motocross or ATV Commissioner, as applicable.

Mini Motocross Homologation Application Form
Mini Motocross Homologated Machines (last updated 24/10/2024)

Mini Motocross Homologation Technical Specifications

Road Race Homologations

Production Road Race bikes are required to be homologated as per the MNZ Manual of Motorcycle Sport. Forms are to be completed in full and returned to the MNZ office for approval.  Approval will be sought from the Road Race Commissioner.

Road Race Homologation Application Form
Road Race Homologated Machines (last updated 23/01/2025)