The governing body for motorcycle sports in New Zealand has called a halt to all but two events, from this weekend forward, in response to the recent heightening of COVID-19 pandemic controls.

Motorcycling New Zealand (MNZ) president Noel May today said that “the board of governance has met and decided not to allow any MNZ-permitted event to go ahead” for this weekend, except for two trials events.

With the Government announcing at midday on Tuesday that the greater Auckland area would have its COVID virus response raised to Level Three and the rest of the country raised to Level Two, MNZ said the hosting clubs “did not have the resources to adequately manage social distancing”.

He said that, apart from the two trials events this weekend, permission to run all other motorcycling events has been withdrawn.

“Once we have a clearer picture, we will reassess the situation early next week,” he said

“Caution is the key word here. MNZ wants to put the health of its members and the rest of the wider community first, ahead of any sporting activity.”

The New Zealand health system is well prepared and contact tracing is under way, so now we need to stamp it out. Here’s what you can do to help:

– If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t go to work or school. Don’t socialise.

– If you have cold or flu symptoms, call your doctor or Healthline and get tested.

– Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands.

– Sneeze and cough into your elbow.

– If you are told by health authorities to self-isolate, you must do so immediately.

– Keep track of where you’ve been and who you’ve seen to help contact tracing if needed. The NZ COVID Tracer app is an easy way to do this.

– Businesses should help people keep track of their movements by displaying the Ministry of Health QR Code for contact tracing.

– Practise physical distancing of two meters wherever possible.

– Consider wearing a mask in public spaces or places where it’s hard to physically distance.


Whatever you’re feeling — it’s okay. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. Stay vigilant.


Credit: Words by Andy McGechan,