Good Afternoon,
The following update is bought to you following the new allowances to running events and public gatherings, that have been released by Government and Health Authorities today – Friday 8th October.
For any of our clubs and members who have been planning to run events of any kind over this weekend, please take the time to read through the below information carefully.
This information will act as a guide-line to ensure you have appropriate measures in place and your events will be delivered as safely and efficiently as possible.
General Alert Level Updates
For those in the Waikato, a note that the boundaries have now been extended to cover the Waitomo District, including Te Kuiti, as well as the Waipa and Otorohanga Districts. These areas will be in a strict Alert Level 3, which does not include the easing of restrictions afforded to Auckland.
Current alert level tables carrying detailed guidance are available on our Sport NZ website These have now been updated including the following amends:
Changes to gatherings numbers in Alert Level 2
The biggest area of change for sports and recreation activities relates to the relaxation of number limits for events gatherings. Previously there was a maximum of 100 people for indoor or outdoor gatherings.
There are now no restrictions on the number of people that can attend a gathering – which includes local sport and recreation involving contact sport. Spectators attending a local sporting event should stay 2m apart from people they do not know, wear a face covering wherever possible, and follow all other contact tracing and hygiene guidelines.
The current MNZ ruling around limited numbers [50pax] per bathroom/toilet facilities has now been lifted
Spectators attending an event at a stadium or arena should safely stay 1 metre apart.
Updated Alert Level 3, Stage 1 for Auckland
A reminder that people can now meet with other people from up to 10 households at a time for organised group activities e.g. yoga, bootcamps as long as this is outside, and the total number of people is not greater than 10. Physical distancing must be maintained between people from different households at all times. Multiple classes can be held each day as long as they are outside and do not exceed 10 people. That means personal trainers and professional coaches can now carry out in person coaching as long as it is outdoors, involves a maximum of 10 people (including the coach/instructor), and physical distancing is maintained.
While people can now also engage in a wider range of other recreation activities (with a maximum of 10 people) it is recommended that these activities are limited to 1 household only.
MNZ are here to assist clubs and riders in any way possible to ensure the utmost safety and compliance during these times. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding these new levels of COVID-compliance
Kind Regards,
Mike Kerrisk – General Manager, Motorcycling New Zealand