It has been a project for some time now to get officials training back in play. What with Covid and other interruptions this has been difficult.
However at last, the Northern Officials Commission (Taupo North) has secured a date, and looks forward to seeing as many as possible attending. We know we all need some updating on our knowledge.
Officials training day for current Officials. New comers also welcome.
Date: 15th of October 2022.
Where: Northern Sports Car Club. 1110 Great South Road Otahuhu.
Time : 10.00am meet and greet – then spend one hour going over the on line test sheets this will be open book.
Bring pen and paper.
Then the rest of the day will be roll play and experience, with a break for lunch till 3.00pm
Lunch: provided tea and coffee.
For any official that completed the on line test over a year ago, please do the test again. For all new comers or expired officials accreditation, please also do the on line test.
Please RSVP to Mary-Anne at the MNZ office – so we know how many people are attending – [email protected]
Northern Officials Commission.