🏍️ 🇳🇿 NZ Motorcycle Awards – Click to Learn More!

As per clause 4.1.7 of the MNZ Constitution, corporate members must be business entities and not individuals. They are not required to be a member of an affiliated club and have no voting rights at the AGM.

Corporate members shall not be engaged in the organisation or running of non-permitted competitive or non-competitive motorcycle sport events in New Zealand, unless contractual authorisation and Board approval is provided by MNZ.

If you would like your business promoted through our Member Benefits page and have an exclusive offer for our members, please contact admin@mnz.co.nz.

Please complete the form below or download a PDF version to print and complete by hand. Please return it to the MNZ office by email or post (PO Box 253, Huntly 3740).

Corporate Membership Application

The MNZ Corporate Membership fee is $550 (incl GST). Membership is effective upon payment received. The Board of MNZ reserves the right to refuse an application.

Corporate Membership Application

  • Select date DD dash MM dash YYYY