🏍️ 🇳🇿 NZ Motorcycle Awards – Click to Learn More!
  • Typically a maximum of one life membership per year is awarded at the MNZ AGM, although the Governance Board may award either none or a greater amount (up to two in total per year) at their sole discretion. It should also be understood that life membership does not have to be awarded each year.
  • Life members total within MNZ will be typically between 8 and 16 persons at one time.
  • Life membership applications must be submitted no later than 28 February for consideration within the same calendar year, with all applications being considered together by the Governance Board.
  • Life memberships are awarded for long, well documented and meritorious service.
  • Recipients must have, during their time, advanced or improved the sport of motorcycling significantly, such that their contribution is widely recognised as outstanding.
  • Recipients ideally should be life members at club level before being considered at national level.
  • Life members may be called upon to assist with special projects or for guidance and advice in their specific areas of expertise by MNZ.
  • A certificate of life membership is awarded to all successful nominees.
  • An official listing and profile will be included on the MNZ Life Membership web page.
  • Other rewards include some selected subsidies when/if attending the MNZ AGM and some selected life membership apparel and badges.

Nomination process:

Please complete the nomination form with relevant details on the individual. Include as much material as you can to give the Board a complete understanding of his or her involvement and contribution to the sport.

Note: The person making a nomination must be either a full current member of MNZ, a Club or National level official, or hold a senior position within a current affiliated club’s executive (President, Vice President or Captain). The person that acts as the seconder for a Life Membership nomination must be a Club or National level official, or hold a senior position within a current affiliated club’s executive (President, Vice President or Captain).