Health & Safety

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MNZ recognises the importance of providing all stakeholders, employees, volunteers, officials, contractors, visitors and participants with a safe and healthy work environment, where this is under its control. A cross-code Motorsport Safety Protocol is currently under development, in collaboration with other motorsports’ governing bodies, H&S experts and advisors. Until the project is complete, the existing MNZ Health & Safety Policy continues to guide the conduct of MNZ activities.


Concussion Management

Assessment of the injured rider and return to competition should be in accordance with the guidelines for the assessment and management of concussion as contained within the International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport Zurich 2012.

In the event of a suspected concussion the rider should be assessed using a recognised assessment tool such as SCAT5 or similar. If the assessment confirms a concussion the rider should immediately be excluded from competition for at least that day. Prior to returning to competition the rider should be assessed for and provide documentary evidence of a return to normal neuro-psychological function using for example the IMPACT system, functional MRI scan or similar.

    Additional Concussion Resources