Tradition and history are not normally  associated with a Motorcycle event. The Pioneer Motorcycle clubs Kaikoura 3 day trial is an exception with it’s 76 year history. This annual event has not  missed a year since the second world War, this year attracting a field of 93 riders aged from 9 to 79. One rider was riding his 49 consecutive year another his 42 year of competing. Competitor’s came from as far away as Whangerai and Invercargill.

Another interesting thing is that one farm used for the competition since 1980 now has a son competing to a high level, and another property used for a long period has the father and two children competing.  This event brings substantial income to the town of Kaikoura and has a tradition of local businesses looking forward to a large bunch of muddy Motorcyclists arriving with cash in pockets.

Classes catered for Experts to beginners, latest machines to 1950s specials as well as Trials sidecar outfits.

This is an event NewZealand can be proud of.

Words by Alan Honeybone

Photos by Lynette Barnett

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